Home of The Rick Streeter Defense Fund: Mission

Saturday, July 28, 2007


As friends of Rick Streeter we will undoubtedly see to it that he experiences justice. In doing so, this fantastic pack of lies that have amounted to false charges by the False Accuser will ultimately unravel before each of our own eyes.

Your donation is much appreciated to see to it that Rick has an adequate defense on the charges brought forth by the Storyteller as these allegations will clearly be proven to be nothing more than mere fairy tales. The taxpayers might have just as well lit their hard earned tax money on fire with a can of gas and a pack of Ohio Blue Tip matches.

Being falsely charged of crimes one did not commit is unquestionably a terrible predicament to be placed in. In this instance we must take up for our friend as Rick would do the same for us. We have to stand up to these nonsensical charges.

Unfortunately for Rick to be put on trial as the result of these folklores, there will be a substantial financial burden placed upon him in terms of legal fees. Clearly this is unjust, so if everybody could do their share for Rick, it will be greatly appreciated and the False Accuser's tall tales will be put to rest.


Anonymous said...

These charges are definitely bogus. Its a joke they have even been brought. I'll definitely back Rick financially.

Anonymous said...

I concur. It's awful that such a good, hard-working person like Rick has to endure the experience of being cheated on, then being accused of beating someone in the newspaper when I know firsthand that he would never harm a soul. now his job is in jepordy over nothing??? are you kidding me?? I'm backing Rick 110%